Cyprus: An EU Member State with a Divided History
Cyprus Joins the European Union
Cyprus joined the European Union on May 1, 2004, along with nine other countries. Notably, Cyprus was accepted into the EU as a whole, despite the island being de facto divided.
Cyprus as a Divided Island
Despite joining the EU as a divided island, the whole of Cyprus is recognized as EU territory. Turkish Cypriots who have or are eligible for EU travel can freely move within the island.
History and Culture of Cyprus
Cyprus holds a rich history, known in legend as the birthplace of the ancient Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. In modern times, Cyprus has experienced a turbulent past.
Cyprus in the European Union
Cyprus became a full member of the European Union in 2004. Despite its unique situation as a divided country, the entire island is considered part of the EU.
Cyprus: A Mediterranean Gem
Cyprus is an island located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. It has been renowned since ancient times for its mineral wealth, superb wines, agricultural produce, and stunning landscapes.