Cicadas 2024 Illinois Timeline

Cicadas Set to Invade Illinois: Emergence Timeline and Affected Areas

When Will the Cicadas Emerge?

Get ready, Illinois! The deafening hum of cicadas is approaching, with two broods set to emerge in the near future. Brood XIII and Brood XIX are expected to crawl out of the ground in the spring of 2024, offering a spectacle that many residents will never forget.

Where to Expect Cicadas

According to entomologists, both broods will emerge in various parts of the state, creating a widespread invasion of these noisy insects. Brood XIII will primarily impact central Illinois, including areas around Champaign-Urbana, Springfield, and Decatur. Brood XIX, on the other hand, will mainly emerge in the northern region, affecting areas like Chicago, Rockford, and Peoria.

A comprehensive map of the expected cicada emergence areas in Illinois is available to help residents anticipate the impending invasion.

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